Light Bytes – a new name for the ESnet Blog

You may have noticed that the masthead has changed.  After almost a decade, we have finally decided that the “ESnet Blog” deserves a less literal name. “Light Bytes” was selected to better embody two things about which we at ESnet are especially proud.  

First, getting to build the world’s greatest research and education network, and to support global science is a great honor and a technical challenge.  Through ESnet6 and our continuing research, we are advancing our mission of making scientific data free of geographical constraints, to “make bytes light” in terms of fast transport, and to deploy state of the art optical network for “bytes being transported by light.”

Second, while ESnet is officially a DOE User Facility, it is most importantly a remarkable group of people. We hope that this website will show a bit about the great people who make our mission happen and the interesting problems we get to work on.  In that sense, “Light Bytes” is a small written offering, a collection of features about things that are happening while the cause of “networking for science” and “science of networking” progresses.